
Voting for President (or co-presidents), Treasure, and French Representative will happen on Thursday April 4, 2013 at the Half Moon from 10 to 2pm.

For those who would like to run for a position with the DLA, the following must be submitted by Wednesday April 3, 2013 at 9pm to disability.law.association@gmail.com:

· Your name

· Your year

· Your program

· The position you are running for

· One to two paragraphs on your platform

· An acknowledgement that you have read and understood the duties and time commitment for your role (eg. I have read and understood the duties and time commitment for President, Treasurer, or French representative)

The above information will be printed and posted at the voting station. No other campaigning is permitted.

Voting will be open to everyone who is a student in Common Law and be done by secret ballot.

If there is only one person for a position then they will be acclaimed.

Results will be posted to http://disabilitylawassociation.yolasite.com/ on Saturday April 6, 2013.

Although you do not need to identify yourself as having a disability to be part of the executive, you must be sensitive to the experiences of students with disabilities in law school and be passionate about disability rights.

Second Year Representative, Third Year Representative, Communication chair and blogger, and First year Representative will happen next September after the DLA first general meeting.

Why participate on the executive of the DLA?

 The three most important reasons: to work with a group of students who are passionate about disability rights, to be able to shape the development of a student association at FTX, and the opportunity to meet some interesting lawyers, business professionals, and government personnel who are part of the growing DLA network.


Any questions can be sent to disability.law.association@gmail.com