Intersections and Independence:

The Thirteenth Annual Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion & Disability:

April 16 - 17, 2013

Held on The Ohio State University’s Columbus Campus

This year’s theme focuses presenters on the frictions, synergies and synthesis that occur at the boundaries of multiple roles, identities and perspectives within individuals and between them.  Some possibilities to consider:

·      Exploration of the simultaneous influences of models of disability (charity, medical, legal, social…) on individual experience, norms or systems change.

·      Universal Design; Independence and identity; Built, virtual & social environments.

·      How disability influences gender, ethnic and racial identities or how they influence disability identity development.

·      Representations of disability.

·      Variations in privilege and oppression across identities and roles.

·        Locating disability: person, place or attitude.

·      Trends in law, education, business, public policy, …

Preference will be given to presentations that encourage conversations across the typical boundaries (care and independence, education and employment, research and practice, business and government, rights and charity …) or focus broadly on difference by incorporating parallels and contrasts with race, gender and ethnicity.

Past programs and conference updates as they become available can be found at:  <>

To be on the mailing list for the conference, send e-mail to <>

The Multiple Perspectives Conference is made possible thanks to the generosity of the Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation Endowment Fund and ongoing support from The Ohio State University’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion.


Proposals are due January 6th, 2013

Proposals may be submitted

·      by e-mail as an attachment (Word, Word Perfect, TXT, or RTF formats)

·      to <>

·      in the mail:

University ADA Coordinator's Office

340/308 SAS Building

281 W. Lane Ave.

Columbus, OH 43210.

Proposals must include:

·      Names and (as appropriate) titles and institutions/employers for each presenter.

·      Contact information (phone, mailing address, and e-mail) if there is more than one presenter please indicate one individual as the contact and lead presenter.

·      Title of Presentation  (12 words or less)

·      Short Description        (30 words or less)

·      Full Description          (700 words or less)

Please describe the content, focus and desired outcomes for the presentation using these questions as a guide.

·      What is the format of the presentation (Lecture, Panel, Discussion, Performance, Other)?

·      Who is the intended audience (educators, employers, businesses, advocates, students, consumers, researchers, or other)?

·      How familiar should the audience be with the topic (beginner, intermediate, advanced)?

·      What are your three main goals for the presentation?

·      What will participants learn?

Please Note:

The full conference fees will be waived and lunch provided for presenters of accepted proposals. Presenters are responsible for their own travel and lodging.



Intersections and Independence: 13th Annual

Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion & Disability

April 16 – 17, 2013

Held on The Ohio State University’s Columbus Campus

Submissions are due no later than March 15, 2013

The Multiple Perspectives Conference encourages students to network with professionals, the community, and scholars who share their interests in disability at its annual students’ perspectives reception.  A generous gift from the Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation will fund awards (Graduate Research - $500; Undergraduate Research $200; Art & Performance $200; Community Service $100; Class Projects $200) at this year’s competition.

Submissions may be based on:

·      Class Projects & Papers (Award goes to support future projects.

·      Independent & Supervised Student Research.

·      Community Service & Applied Problem Solving from Service Learning Classes or Student Organizations.

·      Art & Performance

Submissions can take a variety of forms including print material mounted on poster board, display panels or arranged on a table; PowerPoint presentations, web pages or video presentations from your laptop; Models …

·      Presentation materials must fit on a 3’x6’ table or along 6’ or less of wall space.

·      Presentation materials should present the information in 10 minutes or less.

·      Presenters or their designee must be present to interact with the audience.

·      Presenters must provide their own equipment.

Visit these sites for tips on developing a presentation:

· <>


· <> 

Students and teams of students who wish to present must send the following information to <> no later than March 15, 2013
·      Title

·      Short Title - 12 word maximum.

·      Presentation Format (Print, Model, PowerPoint, Video, …)

·      Description of their proposed topic – 250 word maximum.

·      E-mail address, phone number, and surface mail address of coordinating presenter.

·      As appropriate university, department, grant, course or student organization affiliation.

·      A letter of support from a faculty member or organization advisor associated with the project.

·      Name of Individual, Department or Organization to receive cash award should the project win.

Early submissions are encouraged.  Submissions will be reviewed as they arrive.

Please Note: The full conference fees will be waived and lunch provided for presenters of accepted proposals. Presenters are responsible for their own travel and lodging.

ADA Coordinator’s Office
