Past Events

 "The Supreme Court and the Right of Inclusion for People with Disabilities After Moore: Is Canadian Human Rights Law as inclusive as it should be?"

The Canadian Human Rights Commission and the DLA will hold a discussion panel on The Duty to Accommodate on February 21, 2013 in the Norton Rose Room, at 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. 


Yvonne Peters, Vice-Chair, Manitoba Human Rights Commission; Counsel, Council of Canadians with Disabilities;

Dr. Gwen Brodsky Director, Poverty and Human Rights Centre;
Shelagh Day, Senior Editor and President of the Canadian Human Rights Reporter; 

Dr. Ravi Malhotra, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, University of Ottawa;and

Chair: Philippe Dufresne, Canadian Human Rights Commission

Note: This can count towards your CPD hours. 

For more information check out the Facebook Event:

Coffee and Bake Goods Fundraiser

November 20-22, 2012 - FTX Half Moon, 8:30-12:30 am

Don't buy your coffee at a shop or bring it from home, it will get cold or spill on you as you are running to class, buy it from your peers! While your there buy some of the baked goods that were kindly donated from Breads and Sons.

This is joint fundraiser with the Law Union and The Disability Law Association. Profits will be split between the groups.

Thank you all who came out and bought coffee and baked goods; $638.80 was raised, with $319.40 going towards the D.L.A. activities.


Anti-Oppression Workshop

November 16, 2012 - FTX 147, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.

The WLMP has partnered up with The University of Ottawa Disability Law Association to create a personal workshop that uses interactive role-playing scenarios to arm you with the tools to recognize and confront oppressive situations.

Our facilitators Professor St. Lewis and a representative from the Law Society of Upper Canada will do their best in answering the following questions:

• "What makes a situation oppressive?"
• “What should I do in situation X, which I recognized as oppressive? “

We plan to have small group discussions about scenarios people have found oppressive. These scenarios will be created using personal experiences students can submit confidentially to

WHEN : November 16, 2012 – 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.
WHERE: Fauteux 147

**Note to ALL interested students**- The WLMP is pleased to extend the invitation to this event to ALL law students and faculty members.

Please ensure to RSVP via the Source as soon as possible.

(To all WLMP participants registered in our peer-mentorship program, please note that this event will count towards your certification.)
Le PMDF en collaboration avec l’association des étudiantes et étudiants handicapés en droit vous offre un atelier interactif avec des jeux de rôles et des scénarios afin de bien vous outiller pour faire face à toutes situations d’oppression. La professeure St.Lewis et une représentante du Barreau du Haut-Canada vont tenter de répondre aux questions suivantes :

• Qu’est-ce qui rend une situation oppressive?
• Que devrais-je faire dans une situation où je reconnais la présence d’oppression?

Des groupes de discussions seront utilisés afin de discuter des scénarios d’oppressions soulevés. Les scénarios seront créés à l’aide d’expériences personnelles vécues par les étudiantes et partagées de manière confidentielle à l’adresse suivante :

QUAND: le 16 novembre 2012 - 11 h 30 à 13 h 00
OÙ : Fauteux 147

**À tous les étudiant(e)s intéressés, notez bien **: Le PMDF est fière d'annoncer que l'évènement est OUVERT À TOUS les étudiants et membres de la faculté.

Assurez-vous de vous y inscrire aussitôt que possible par l’entremise de La Source.

(À toutes participantes du PMDF, si vous êtes inscrites au programme de mentorat entre les pairs, notez bien que cet évènement comptera envers votre certification.)


Practicing Law with a Disability: Experiences from the "Real World." 

November 1, 2012 - FTX 133, 11:45 am - 1:00 pm 

To access the recording of this event, to down load the hand outs that were provided at the event, please click on the link “Practicing Law with a Disability” or copy and paste the following address in your browser:

Panel Discussion with:
Laurie Letheren Staff Lawyer at ARCH
David Lepofsky Chair of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance
Christy Smith-Worthylake Freelance Consultant 
Martin Anderson Department of Justice Canada, Immigration Law Division, Toronto 

Snacks included.  All are welcome. Accommodations available on request. 

Sponsored By:
University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, The Law Foundation of Ontario through the Professionalism Speaker Series, ARCH, and L’AÉÉCLSS.


"Practicing Law with a Disability: Experiences from the "Real World." 

1er novembre 2012, FTX 133, 11 h 45  -13 h 00

Table rounde avec:
Laurie Letheren Staff Lawyer at ARCH
David Lepofsky Chair of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance
Christy Smith-Worthylake Freelance Consultant 
Martin Anderson Department of Justice Canada, Immigration Law Division, Toronto 

Gouter fourni. Toutes et tous sont les bienvenu(e)s. Il y a des accommodements disponibles sur demande.

Commandité Par:
Université d'Ottawa Faculté de droit, The Law Foundation of Ontario through the Professionalism Speaker Series, ARCH, and L’AÉÉCLSS.